Restart/Shutdown problem in Ubuntu 8.10

I spent lots of time configuring my Ubuntu 8.10 installation, installing all the required softwares. The best thing i could do was to install Prozilla- the download manager which is really awesome. Also i installed all the IDEs, RDBMS that i use. But when i tried to shutdown my system it used to hang. This used to annoy me like hell. I then googled for this problem and came across the following solution which worked for me:


Open the file /etc/init.d/alsa-utils with the following command:

sudo gedit /etc/init.d/alsa-utils

The file opens in Gedit and around the line 353 you’ll find the instruction “stop)”. Below this instruction you should add these two instructions:

ifconfig wlan0 down
ifconfig eth0 down

So, the file should be this way:

ifconfig wlan0 down
ifconfig eth0 down

After doing this, save the file, close it and restart or shutdown Ubuntu and verify if the problem continues.


Ubuntu Forums.

6 thoughts on “Restart/Shutdown problem in Ubuntu 8.10”

  1. Thanxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx brooooooooo it really works trust me other guys try this!o yeah really thanks i didnt know what to do till i found this

  2. hi we are unable to use ubuntu without internet because mp3 is not running directly in ubuntu its not a good os like window ………………… bad unable to install software and to get s/w and not suppoting tar.gz and not running ./configure .s o finally every where giving error message …… finally failed os……..

  3. Hi there, I did this to karmic 9.10 as I have the same thing going on,,,,nice try but its still doing the same for now ! its good there’s lots of help so it will popup soon I reckon and to Mukesh ?

    I have had little or no problems what so ever with Ubuntu, install during and after provided I wipe the intended disk first, thanks for putting this up, later


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