Setting JAVA_HOME in Ubuntu

I had spent a lot of time setting the $PATH on my Ubuntu but i forgot to document the procedure. So when my friend asked me, i wasn’t able to help him out. So this time i asked him to tell the solution so that i could note it down. The best place would be my blog.

export JAVA_HOME
export PATH

Source: The Ubuntu Guy.

5 thoughts on “Setting JAVA_HOME in Ubuntu”

  1. Thanks, this actually works. The problem is when I reboot to Ubuntu the variables are no longer set. How do I set it permanently?
    Harlan. (new to Ubuntu)

    • U can set u’r environment vairables in the file .bash_aliases which is there in user’s home directory. The file would contain-

      export PATH

      U can also add other environment variables like CLASSPATH. Note that the other bin dir paths are for u’r shell commands. After editing this file restart your terminal. Hope this helps.


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