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Preparation tips for SCJP- Sun Certified Java Programmer Exam


I cleared SCJP 6.0 with 81% on January 25, 2010 (putting this up after a long gap), not a really good score, but happy to get a “PASS” :). I did manage to do some 25 days of preparation (serious preparation), but my coding experience in Java helped me a lot- In understanding the basic concepts easily and giving more time to learn the less used concepts like Generics, Collections, Threading.  Through out my preparation and after appearing for the exam there are few things I wanted to share with the aspirants:

These are few things which I wanted to share. Will keep updating as and when I come across any tips. Also people who have cleared/prepared/preparing for SCJP, please drop in comments which I will promptly add it to my post!


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