Book Review: Murach’s Javascript and jQuery 3rd Edition

Murach’s Javascript and jQuery is a book useful for those who are beginning to learn Javascript and would want to try out jQuery as well. This book is divided into three sections:

  • The first section is an introduction to Web and Javascript
  • The second section is all about jQuery
  • And the third section is some of the advanced constructs of Javascript

This book follows the same pattern as other Murach books i.e a  combination of theory and code samples and practical tips on two opposite pages. So if you wish you can just go through the code samples and practical tips and if you need more information then you can read the theory associated with the page.

This is a practical book with complete sample examples (fairly complicated depending on topic) for each chapter. Then each chapter is followed by exercises which ask you to improvise on the sample apps introduced in the chapter.

Coming to the content, as mentioned earlier the book has been organized into three parts. Someone who is already familiar with JavaScript can jump directly to Section 2 and learn about jQuery and Section 3 for some advanced concepts like Local Storage, Cookie management, Object-oriented concepts and so on. For someone who is already familiar with Javascript and jQuery can use it as a reference to quickly read up on specific concepts.

In all very practical book, highly recommended for beginners in Javascript and jQuery because being practical aid ins quick learning and better retention.


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