The GIDS-2008- Day 2

GIDS- Great Indian Developer Summit 🙂

It was a great day at the GIDS. I did attend a very few sessions today but none the less there were the most productive ones. The whole of the morning session was spent in the .NET Gotchas workshop. It was an interesting and productive session by Dr. Venkat Subramaniam. Some finer points on .net were dealt in the session. At the end of the session there was a small but easy quiz and he had three copies of the book “.NET GOTCHAS” authored by him as the prize. As the quiz was easy there were many answers and he randomly picked people and gave them the book. I was late to come for the workshop on Silverlight- a three hour workshop- which i was awaiting to attend but i couldn’t get a place for me and i heard the session for about half an hour standing at the door of the hall. This indicates the number of attendents. The hall was jam packed with people seated on the stairs in the hall. I couldn’t follow the talk as it was not audible. So i went out to get stamp from the stalls. We were given a booklet and were asked to get the stamps from all the stalls. It was aimed so that people could learn about the products of the companies at the Expo but anyone hardly listened to them. All those who visited the stalls did only one thing- get the stamp on the booklet. The personnel at the staff were tried stamping the booklets. Just a thought that came to my mind- Why don’t they automate the stamping proess.

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The Great Indian Developer Summit- 2008

The Great Indian Developer Summit(GIDS)- 2008GIDS-2008


I had wished to attend the Daring Java conferences which were part of GIDS-2008, but i did get a chance to attend the Summit but not Daring java it’s Bleeding-Edge .NET Conference. I thought that these summits were a bit too high for a student like me but i was wrong. The 5 talks which i attended were all from the ground up. I will put a key notes on about the talks here. It was a great experience to be sitting amidst the developers and listening to the best in the field. I would not have spent Rs. 10,000/- for the conference but i was lucky enough to get pass from the company where i am currently working on a projec. There were many stalls at the Expo stalls by Adobe, Forum Nokia, MSDN, Amazon, Oracle, DirectI, Taroby, Cordys. infragistics and many others. I suppose there are 24 of them out of whcih some i heard companies for the first time. These stalls were explaining what they offer like products, services, and other things which are usually told. Then we were given Lunch coupons- but i had lunch without giving my coupon- interesting right!!!

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