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Monitoring and Profiling using VisualVM-1

I executed a simple GUI application which would load the CSV file and parse it and show the contents in a JTable. When the applications started- There was a JFrame, 2 JPanels, a JLabel and a JButton with an Icon. I wanted to monitor the Heap size variations, the number of Classes, Threads details and also wanted to profile the application. So i thought of using VisualVM. The following are the results and snapshots of profiling using VisualVM. Note that the application had only one public class MainFrame in gui package. Also note that i was using the Nimbus Look and Feel.

The Overview tab had the following information:

Before loading the file for parsing (On initial startup):
[All values in Bytes]

Heap Details:

Heap details before parsing

There was a button to perform GC. As soon i clicked on it the used heap size came down to around 2,400,000. But it began to increase right after that but kept hovering around the 3,300,300 mark. Looks like lot of objects are being created 🙁 This is before the parser actually started working.

PermGen Details:

This gives the overview of the changes in the permanent generation area over time. The permanent generation area stores the classes used by the executing program. This includes the bytecode and the access types of the methods of the classes and the static variables of the classes.

[All values in Bytes]

This is the area of the heap. So u can see that the max PermGen size and the Max Heap size are similar. These values rather remained static and did not vary.

Permanent Generation Area before parsing

The Classes details are: This gives the overview of the total number of loaded classes and shared classes.

Classes stats before parsing

Shows number of live and daemon threads in the application’s JVM.

Thread before parsing

Monitoring Threads:
This section gave a Timeline in which the Live and Daemon threads activity was mapped. The threads were either live or finished threads. Live threads were Running, Sleeing, Waitin or Monitoring. On clicking the thread gave more details about the thread.

Monitoring threads before parsing

After loading and parsing the file:

Heap Details:

Heap details after parsing

In the image u can see the shift in the area graph.

The used PermGen size increased to 4,221,208. An increase of 5% indicating more classes were loaded. The number of loaded classes increased to 2592 and shared classes increased to 1702. Looks like there’s a few more memory consumption after the file was loaded and parsed.

Permanent Generation area details after parsing
Classes stats after parsing
Monitoring tab showing the Heap, thread, PemGen and Classes details

Coming to the major part- Profiling Applications. 2 types of profiling can be done:

CPU Profiling
Memory Profiling
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