Initialization Blocks in Java

Apart from methods and constructors, Initialization Blocks are the third place in a Java Program where operations can be performed. Initialization Blocks come in two flavours:

  • Static Initialization Blocks: Runs first when the class is first loaded. Declared by using the keyword “Static”
  • Instance Initialization Blocks: Runs every time when the instance of the class is created.

Code Snippet:

class InitDemo

static int y;
int x;
//Static Initialization Block


// Instance Initialisation Block




Instance initialization block code runs right after the call to super() in a constructor, in other words, after all super constructors have run. The order in which initialization blocks appear in a class matters. If a class has more than one they all run in the order they appear in the class file.

Some rules to remember:

  • Initialization blocks execute in the order they appear.
  • Static Initialization blocks run once when the class is first loaded.
  • Instance Initialization blocks run every time a class instance is created.
  • Instance Initialization blocks run after the constructor’s call to super().

“Hello World” program in Java without ever using a main method-

public class Hello

//Static Initialisation Block

System.out.println(“Hello, World“);



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