Parsing XML in Groovy using XmlSlurper

In my previous post I showed different ways in which we can parse XML document in Java. You must have noticed the code being too much verbose. Other JVM languages like Groovy, Scala provide much better support for parsing XML documents. In this post I give you the code to parse the XML document in … Read more

Sample application using JavaFX 2.0 beta and the after thoughts

This sample uses- TabPane, GridView and Bindings in javafx 2.0.

I had quite sometime back played around with JavaFX and had good and bad experiences using the language. With the JavaFX 2.0 beta being released I thought of giving it a try. Here I developed a simple Geocoding application which will take the address and provide the latitude-longitude values for that location- using Google Geocoding API.

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Parsing XML is fun again- thanks to Groovy

I happened to work on Groovy while I was developing using Gaelyk and I found Groovy lot easier to write- I never thought of the types and this really helped me to make my codeGroov simpler and easier to write. And when you are dealing with RESTful APIs- you ought to be parsing XML,JSON and what not. As a Java programmer- I never enjoyed it. But Groovy really made parsing xml fun again.

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Selection Sort: Brute Force approach to sorting with example in Groovy

In Selection sort technique the list is scanned to find the smallest element and it is then exchanged with the first element, putting the smallest element in its final position i.e at the beginning. Then the list is scanned starting from the second element to find the smallest among the remaining n-1 elements and exchange it with the second element to put the second smallest element in its final position. In general in the ith pass the algorithm searches for the smallest number from the n-i elements and swaps it with the element in the ith position i.e Ai. The list is sorted after n-1 passes.

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The Great Indian Developer Summit-2009, My Day-2, GIDS.Java

Ola Bina during JRuby talk
Ola Bina during JRuby talk

I started off pretty late for my Day-2 (summit’s Day-3) at the summit, courtesy- extended sleeping 😀 😀 But I somehow managed to not miss much of the first session. The first session I attended today was “Introduction to JRuby” which was delivered by Ola Bini. He spoke about Ruby and its features like Blocks, Modules, Mixins among others. He then spoke about JRuby and how it eliminates the pain of using Java and leverages on the ease of Ruby. JRuby is basically Ruby running on JVM. This was developed keeping in mind the old legacy JavaEE based applications.

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