Preparation tips for SCJP- Sun Certified Java Programmer Exam

I cleared SCJP 6.0 with 81% on January 25, 2010 (putting this up after a long gap), not a really good score, but happy to get a “PASS” :). I did manage to do some 25 days of preparation (serious preparation), but my coding experience in Java helped me a lot- In understanding the basic concepts easily and giving more time to learn the less used concepts like Generics, Collections, Threading.  Through out my preparation and after appearing for the exam there are few things I wanted to share with the aspirants:

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Working with Java Enumerated types (Enums)

In this post I would like to explain about Enums in Java. Though in my 2 years of coding in Java I have seldom used Enums but they do provide a lot of features when we are required to create a say limited instances of certain type. In this post I have made use of an example written out of inspiration from the example program given in “A Programmer’s Guide to Java SCJP certification” by Khalid A. Mughal and Rolf W. Rasmussen. The example is given in the Section Enumerated Types. I will be developing the Enum as we go through the article.

What is an Enumerated Type or Enum tpye? Enum Type defines a finite set of symbolic names and their values. Suppose we have to define 3 constants- LOW, MEDIUM and HIGH to denote the 3 speeds of Rotation. We can do it by declaring static final variables as follows-

class Speed{
   public static final int LOW=1;
   public static final int MEDIUM=2;
   public static final int HIGH=3;

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Monitoring and Profiling using VisualVM-1

I executed a simple GUI application which would load the CSV file and parse it and show the contents in a JTable. When the applications started- There was a JFrame, 2 JPanels, a JLabel and a JButton with an Icon. I wanted to monitor the Heap size variations, the number of Classes, Threads details and also wanted to profile the application. So i thought of using VisualVM. The following are the results and snapshots of profiling using VisualVM. Note that the application had only one public class MainFrame in gui package. Also note that i was using the Nimbus Look and Feel.

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Installing Java (JDK) and Setting JAVA_HOME in Ubuntu (Linux)

I know lot of you starting out new as Linux users or Java learners on Linux platform find it an issue to install JDK or may be configure it to start using after installing. At time the version of java that comes with the package manager (apt-get for Ubuntu) would be an older version and … Read more

Core Java Refcardz by Cay S. Horstmann

This refcard gives you an overview of key aspects of the Java language and cheat sheets on the core library (formatted output, collections, regular expressions, logging, properties) as well as the most commonly used tools (javac, java, jar). Features include Java Keywords, Standard Java Packages, Character Escape Sequences, Collections and Common Algorithms, Regular Expressions, JAR … Read more

JavaFX Important Links

General: JavaFX Homepage:  OpenJFX’s Homepage:  The JavaFX Community:  Useful Links from PlanetJFX:  Downloads for JavaFX:  JavaFX Script Language Support for NetBeans IDE:  JavaFX Technology Screencasts:  SDN JavaFX Site:  JavaFX Script Overview:  JavaFXPad: Articles: Creating Rich Internet Applications With Compiled JavaFX Script Technology: JavaFX FAQ’s: … Read more

GlassFish RefCardz

The use of GlassFish application server is growing, and having a reference card for day-to-day jobs is inevitable. Looking for a sample command to perform a specific job can take time but by using this refcard, you wont need to look for any commands or lose time searching in countless pages of manuals and administration references. This refcard … Read more

NetBeans IDE 6.5 Beta Released!!!! is proud to announce the availability of NetBeans IDE 6.5 Beta.Netbeans

NetBeans IDE 6.5 Beta introduces several new features, including a robust IDE for PHP, JavaScript debugging for Firefox and IE, and support for Groovy and Grails. This release also includes a number of enhancements for Java, Ruby and Rails, and C/C++ development. Java feature highlights include: built-in support for Hibernate, Eclipse project import, and compile on save.

NetBeans IDE 6.5 Beta Highlights:


  • Code Completion
  • Quick Fixes and Semantic Checks
  • FTP Support
  • Debugging with Xdebug
  • Support for popular Web Services

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Using Notepad++ to Compile and Run Java Programs

I had been using Notepad– The one that comes with Windows for a long time for writing Java programs and then running it through command line, though i had Notepad++ installed on my system. But then it just flashed to me that “Why can’t i try Notepad++ for compiling and interpreting the Java programs“. I searched in the FAQs under “Running External Tools” and found useful information which has helped me to compile and run the Java programs right from the “Notepad++” application itself. Here’s how it can be done:

Running External Tools in Notepad++:

External tools can be executed by passing the current edited document as argument. For doing this the “environment variable” is used

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